‘Whilst focusing on a customer orientated service, ensure that all Seychellois families are assisted with conducive, affordable and decent shelters with relative infrastructures in a coordinated, integrated, effective process of sustainable habitat development for national & ultimately International enhancement.’
Efficient Public Service: Through comprehensive community, intergovernmental and employee partnerships, seek to provide services under our responsibility with sensitivity, efficiency and effectiveness with the view of further promoting sustainable development fairness in decision making, good governance and espousing integrity. Thereby inspiring confidence in the public we serve;
Good Practises: While championing good practises, our Ministry must become the best in the league of what the public services stands for:
Core Values: Such as professionalism, high organisation esteem and staff development provide a firm base for our delivery of quality services that will make a positive difference in our customers’ lives.
Fiscal Incentives: MLUH as a one of the major body of the government shall promote the institutionalisation of fiscal incentives such as tax rebates to encourage private sectors (such as construction companies, construction suppliers, consultancy firms: engineers/architect/QS) to invest more in housing, and in return alleviating/ easing the social housing demand. Provide an enabling environment for private sector participation in providing housing.
Open-minded/Optimum Approach to development: Densification of the land to environmentally, socially and economical acceptable standards.
Important Notices
MLUH Launch New Website
MLUH are proud to announce that it has launched its new Website. Through this online presence we trust we shall be able to provide all Seychellois and investors a useful and timely service.
Make Appointments, Applications OR Complaints Online
In an effort to ensure better accountablity and a sharp service we have added a feature on this website where you can | MAKE AN APPOINTMENT or APPLY FOR HOUSING ONLINE or MAKE A COMPLAINT.
The Housing Department uses the MLUH Vision and its current Policies as a guiding tool in defining it’s Missions within the Ministry.
Mission Statement:
‘Execute the processing, interactions involved using an ecological, economical, hence optimum approach to human settlement / infrastructure in delivering adequate, decent shelter to the most vulnerable, less fortunate group of people in our society/ communities hence up-grading living standards in the country and our international image.’
Adaptation of Management Techniques: Adapt leading-edge Management techniques with the local environment such as Value Management, Reengineering, Total Quality Management, Partnering: Promote partnership amongst all actors, Constructionability, Benchmarking Concepts in a bid to achieve the missions in an optimum manner without compromising on any aspect.
Information Technology: Promote effective, interactive national, regional and international communications system and strengthen institution for technology transfer, information exchanges and institutional co-corporation.
Assimilation of all relevant Factors: Integrate environmental and development at policy, planning and management levels, taking into account the links between sustainable development and population trends and related factors’.
Participation in Strategic Planning: Promote participatory mechanism in the national habitat strategic planning.
Finances: Provide an enabling environment for private sector participation in proving housing. Negotiate international corporative agreement and financial commitments for habitat development. Promote and devise financing mechanism. Negotiate funds at such institutions as mortgage finance, so as to allow private development, hence removing pressure on the government. Stimulate the creation of new finance mechanisms together with the HFC that address the housing needs of all socio-economic groups and improve access to housing finance. Allow private development, hence removing pressure on the government and reduce the role of the government as the main provider of housing.
Fiscal Incentives: Promote the institutionalisation of fiscal incentives such as tax rebates to encourage private sectors (such as construction companies, construction suppliers, consultancy firms: engineers/architect/QS) to invest more in housing, and in return alleviating/ easing the social housing demand.
Housing Schemes: Devise schemes to encourage families to improve their own shelter, e.g. various forms of self-help schemes.
Redevelopment Programs: Initiate Redevelopment Programs for the most ramshackle houses in the country.
Integrated Design: Use an Architectural concept of practicality and aesthetic not to scar environment and provide advice both to state & private architects. Participate in preparing, monitoring, coordinating of housing projects and submission to relevant authorities prior to physical execution.
Access to Housing: Provide priority of access to funding assistance for housing and ensure security of tenure for all socio-economic group. Build adequate shelter for housing population.
Demand v/s Development: Through PIU, maximise the use of land resources and advice in the most practical manner on the demand for specific number of bedrooms per district for houses to be constructed as per demand as per the 5 year plan prepared and approved periodically.
Affordable Houses: Construct affordable housing units. Promote the formation of efficient housing market. Introduce new methods in the production system of housing.